Young Mother 5 - 2020


  • Drama
  • Romance

Ji-suk, a wealthy mother, wants to send her son, Se-hyuk, to the medical school. While looking for a competent private education coordination, Although it succeeded in recruiting a high-ranking entrance exam coordinator,'Starring', which only a few elite students selected. After hearing the rumors,'Namjae,' the father of Euntae, a high school examinee next door, hears rumors and comes to contact the main character. Like this, the parents of Se-hyeok and Eun-tae's neighbors 'Starring', who was in a difficult situation after entering a strange competition Eventually, I would share the day of the week to go to both houses to teach Se-hyuk and Eun-tae. Although they will agree with the two families, Eun Tae, who is a senior high school student, is in medical school. Not interested and only busy with high school girlfriends Se-hyuk starts talking to a beautiful tutor, starring than the entrance exam.

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